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Spiritual Motivation!

"That which distracts is always a detail; that which calls you back to remembrance is always discipline. Very
seldom does nature so configure experience that it is impossible to miss the spiritual signals. Most usually, the
hints and clues of spirituality are so configured as to be completely able to be missed, able to be glanced over,
able to be prioritized below the threshold of awareness by the affairs and details and chores of the day. Each is
aware of the spiritual figures who have indicated through history that when they are busy then is the time to rise
earlier so that they may pray longer, for it is in the praying that the work gets done rather then in those long
daylight hours of toil. This is a great key for those who have ears to hear. We are not suggesting that entities must
get up early and meditate before they begin the day in order to prepare, but we are suggesting that the mind of
an entity is that which is in an extreme state of vulnerability to the mental conditioning. The power of suggestion
is great. Each entity has seen many examples of such suggestion, the most common perhaps being that when one
entity yawns, those about that entity will quite often catch the yawn and find themselves expressing similarly." ~Ra

❤❤❤ •.¸.•´
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☻/ ♥In Lak'ech Ala K'in♥
/ \ レノgんイ

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you!

Copyright © 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ascending Into Oneness Created By: Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity) ||:|| ツ