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11/11/11 - 11:11 & 1:11 - Oneness

Hiya! I have been getting many inquiries relating to 11:11, 1:11 and numerology! These numbers profoundly resonate with my indwelling Spirit-personality and there is not one day or night that goes by without me catching these numbers in time. With 11/11/2011 happening today and 2012 coming fast pace, I believe it is absolutely necessary to discuss the importance surrounding these magical gateway numbers!

‎11:11 or 1:11 is a DNA awakening code embedded into your divine essence in Oneness! These numbers help give you a pivotal point to project your positive intentions throughout these succession of moments in which we call "Time." Your personal thoughts emanating from your quantum presence and how you manifest them positively towards Humanity, Earth and the Universe are truly imperative in these transformational times! Our thoughts are more stronger than most physical actions can display and literally help shape shift the spiritual reality we all abide in! Millions of people around the world use these aforementioned times to help uplift everyone's vibrational fields and energetic frequencies! We are ALL unified as ONE! Therefore, what we do to others we also do to our-selves!

Quantum Mechanics scientifically demonstrates that we live in a thought universe, a conceptual universe. A wave function is a vector in a linear space and this is the same thing thoughts are made out of! Your positive affirmations and spiritual mantras help expand the collective consciousness and your personal multi-dimensional awareness! Overall, time is merely an illusion. It's unimportant if the time zones line up with your own when seeing the numbers 11:11 or 1:11. What is of great importance is simply acknowledging this moment and how you use it positively for the betterment of humanity. Our thoughts bounce around at the speed of Light and humans contemplate an endless amount of ideas as well as information that in-streams from intelligent infinity. Through wholehearted dedication and sincere prayer, you can slowly train your brain with all the thoughts that arise inside the mind.

LIGHT the way with your infinite LOVE.

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Expand Cosmic Consciousness

"In print, it's SHOW ME HOW, in the instantly gratifying digital world, it's SHOW ME NOW."

"SHOW ME NOW is the home base for the internationally bestselling series of SHOW ME HOW books featuring step-by-step, easy-to-follow, occasionally irreverent lessons on how to do pretty much anything."

I have been turned into an Avatar! Follow these 5 easy steps and experience Transcendental Meditation. The technique is a simple and effortless process that only takes 20 minutes! Transcendental Meditation should be done twice a day or night! Much LOVE and LIGHT to YOU! Thanks for your support O Beloved One of LIGHT!

Expand Cosmic Consciousness

1. Relax and clear your thought.

2. Breathe deeply in and out.

3. Close eyes and repeat mantras.

4. Experience restful alertness and unlimited potentiality.

5. Harness your inner LIGHT and manifest change.

"Thinkest thyself a puny form, while within thee the universe is enfolded?" ~Sufi Tradition

LIGHT the way with your infinite LOVE...

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Chiropractic Therapy

My personal health is the most essential part of my daily life as I hurry to and fro in this chaotic world. The everyday stresses we intake cause us to have ill-health in sometimes unexplainable ways. Humanity is dedicated to intransient desires which causes us to 
never take notice of the seemingly obvious.

Chiropractic treatment focuses on the preservation and restoration of health, and emphasizes to correct subluxation. The holistic approach allows you to look within and unfold natural healing possibilities. My personal progress within the last few weeks has inspired me to write about my remarkable changes!

Most of my pain that has been developing in the upper right hand quadrant of my back has subsided tremendously. I feel much more at ease throughout the day and have more all-around energy. Adjustments are a necessity to help fix subluxation and end excruciating pain. A lot of these problems have been developing for most of our lives, it just takes upwards of 10-15 years to start and notice symptoms. The central nervous system is imperative to everyday functionality. I will keep you all periodically updated and show how self-healing techniques like Chiropractic Therapy can help change your life. Thank YOU for your time! 

Please see the Montecito Chiropractic Center today for a free consultation and get your nervous system checked to make sure you are functioning and healing at 100% if you are in San Rafael, North Bay Area. (Marin County)

Dr. Elena Vince     Dr. Monica Egan
San Rafael Chiropractor/Montecito Chiropractic Center 415-454-3717
361 Third Street Suite D.
San Rafael, CA 94901

PLEASE Pray for JAPAN daily.

Best wishes and eternally stay scintillating!

LIGHT the way with your LOVE...

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Spirituality and Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment springs forth increased cosmic comprehension. Enhancing your spiritual insight daily allows you to harmoniously see the underlying unity of ALL and EVERYTHING. Staggering your own intellectual and intuitive mind widens your perception of reality and expands your panoramic dreams daily. Transcend this illusion through positive affirmations and personal progressive spiritual reciprocal communion with the Creator. Ignite your inner energies and help usher in this new golden age of opportunity.   

 196:3.15 "This profound experience of the reality of the divine indwelling forever transcends the crude materialistic technique of the physical sciences. You cannot put spiritual joy under a microscope; you cannot weigh love in a balance; you cannot measure moral values; neither can you estimate the quality of spiritual worship." ~The Urantia Book

Help lead humanity with your LOVE daily. YOU are a divine Sovereign being of LIGHT living LIFE abundantly. At-One-Ness.

PLEASE Pray for JAPAN daily.

Best wishes and eternally stay scintillating!

LIGHT the way with your LOVE...

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Spirit Consciousness

Pray to your Spirit full-heartedly and personally spend time progressing towards an inward urgency to help humanity and bring forth the change you wish to see. The spiritual growth of the soul takes place wholly independently of the intellectual self-consciousness. Through the will of the Spirit, spend time being whoelheartedly spiritually motivated, unreservedly consecrated to the mandates and will of the Most High. Spring forth earnestly developing your cosmic abilities and praying for those in need. For It is in the praying that the work gets done spiritually.

  5:5.11  "God-consciousness, as it is experienced by an evolving mortal of the realms, must consist of three varying factors, three differential levels of reality realization. There is first the mind consciousness—the comprehension of the  idea of God. Then follows the  soul consciousness—the realization of the  ideal of God. Last, dawns the spirit consciousness—the realization of the  spirit reality of God. By the unification of these factors of the divine realization, no matter how incomplete, the mortal personality at all times overspreads all conscious levels with a realization of the  personality of God." ~The Urantia Book

YOU are a divine Sovereign Being of LIGHT expressing pure unconditonal LOVE while living Life abundantly. Continue to dance in freedom and truth day and night.

PLEASE Pray for JAPAN daily.

Best wishes and eternally stay scintillating! :-}

LIGHT the way with your LOVE...

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Universal Cosmic Waves of Change.

As the ripples of energies increase throughout the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, you will begin and feel frequencies in-streaming at and unprecedented level. Since you are an Inter-dimensional Sovereign Being of LIGHT, you may also experience much lucid dreaming during your sleeping states. Spirit Being's and the Spirit World are just as real in the physical world. As you traverse on High, there is much learning and development going on even though you are sleeping. Be rest assured that you are protected and guided by The Most High's even through the darkest nightmares in space and time. 

Continue to focus on emitting concentric rings of LIGHT when praying. It is when you truly look within that seems to get all the work done in the end. Albeit through progressive personal spiritual reciprocal communion you will feel these divine energies shift your mentality. Your LOVE will spring forth with warmhearted intentions and you will have instantaneous proof of the Creator who dwelleths within. 

Many will rise in freight during these transformational times. Lightworkers and Wayshowers across the globe must hone in and merge as ONE during this Evolutionary leap. Use patience and diligently spread peace daily. Keep pouring Love into society and I promise you will see the Universe swing in your favor day and night. Give your LIGHT to your enemies and heal them through the power of LOVE.

Open the hierarchical gateways to Intelligent Infinity to help manifest your dreams. Unleash your true potentiality O vibrant One of Beauty. Spiritual attainment is a necessity in connecting with your Higher-self and tuning your Personalized Adjuster that indwells within so you may better align yourself in physicality. Transcend the illusion you live as you hurry to and fro by expanding your cosmic consciousness and enhancing your spiritual perception. Let yourself truly stagger your own intellectual and intuitive mind O Beloved One of LIGHT. 

May I leave you with a wonderful quote on your Paradise-bound journey from our brothers and sisters in the cosmos:

"Responsible freedom of self-determination. Becoming truly self-confident and free. To unconditionally be responsible for oneself without being coerced to accept some higher authority."           ~Andromedans

LIGHT the way with your infinite LOVE.

~Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity)


Positive Spiritual Affirmations.

        "I sought Thee madly through the Temples,
and I found Thee not.
           Anxiously I climbed to the mountain tops searching for Thee,
and I found Thee not.
          Through the valleys I trod, searching here and searching there,
and I found Thee not.
          Then upon the oceans I sailed for many moons,
searching through the night and day—
          More desperate I became by each setting sun,
for I found Thee not.
          And then, as I sat quietly in the solitude of my
humble abode, pondering deeply, searching
deep within my inner soul—
          There I found Thee. And with Thee I found the
peace that, through many lifetimes, I had sought.
          Peace be with you, my friends, peace."

       "We leave you in appreciation of the circumstances of the great illusion in which you now choose to play the pipe and timbrel and move in rhythm. We are also players upon a stage. The stage changes. The acts ring down. The lights come up once again. And throughout the grand illusion and the following and the following there is the undergirding majesty of the One Infinite Creator. All is well. Nothing is lost. Go forth rejoicing in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the One Infinite Creator. I am Ra. Adonai."

LIGHT the way with your infinite LOVE!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you!


LOVE and LIGHT Enhancement

O divine Light Being, drift with me for a moment please in eternity and see what I see when you shift your eyes and mentality. We must continually believe and spread peace through our endless journey. Shape shift this reality and manifest your dreams unhesitatingly. Unquestionably be unreservedly dedicated to these cosmic unfoldings. Commune with me spiritually and allow yourself to be inextricably intertwined through ALL and EVERYTHING!

I AM going to lay this out simple and clean so you may ALL see this underlying Unity. Free yourself from instability towards your upward, onward and inward swing. As you undoubtedly become capable of anything, see the infinite possibilities and learn to harness your energies quickly and efficiently. Penetrate this mystery and appreciate the creativity that naturally surrounds your very way of being.

Take this quantum leap of faith out of duality and believe we are ONE big family. Use your truth-discerning and spirit-perceiving abilities to set yourself free self-sufficiently. Give your LOVE back through forms of charity and transcend these times in need to a golden age of opportunity.  A Paradise of absolute beauty where we can all achieve and not have to feel false or make-believe. Help give lead and overtake this regimentation that dominates our society. Escalate change and help illuminate the way so we may all sing better days and have everlasting tranquility.

Initiate yourself in personality motivation and seek transcendental meditation. Begin anew again and allow this to all settle in and rest. Ascension is a friendly test to see if were ready at best. Take this quest and diligently see what it means to live harmoniously. Unleash patiently and enjoy these undertakings of expanding your cosmic awakening. For those who do not have your best interests in need. Take heed of these higher levels of spirituality and enlist Peace amongst your enemies. It is when you LOVE them unconditionally you've profoundly reached the depths of their seed. Best wishes and eternally stay scintillating!

LIGHT the way with your infinite LOVE!

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you!

Copyright © 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ascending Into Oneness Created By: Joshua Jordan Freeman (Peace~Love/Light~Unity) ||:|| ツ